API Documentation
You can generate OpenAPI 3 specifications from your handlers using the webgear-openapi
package. This chapter describes
how to do that.
There is also the webgear-swagger
package that generates Swagger 2.0 specification. Most of the instructions in
this chapter can be tweaked to work with that package as well.
In the Handlers and Middlewares chapter, we encountered the type RequestHandler h ts
. We learned that #hs h
is the underlying arrow of the handler. So far, we used the type ServerHandler m
place of h
. And now, we are going to use a different arrow - OpenApiHandler m
- that can generate OpenAPI
As we were using the polymorphic type for our handlers, we don't need to change them at all. Here is the definition of
we encountered earlier.
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Time
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import WebGear.Server (toApplication)
currentTimeHandler ::
forall h m ts.
(StdHandler h m, MonadIO m) =>
RequestHandler h ts
currentTimeHandler =
[route| HTTP.GET /api/now |] $
proc request -> do
now <- arrM getNow -< ()
respondA HTTP.ok200 PlainText -< show now
getNow :: () -> m UTCTime
getNow () = liftIO getCurrentTime
main :: IO ()
main = Warp.run 3000 $ toApplication currentTimeHandler
You can generate OpenAPI specification of this API with:
import Data.OpenApi (OpenApi)
import WebGear.OpenApi (toOpenApi)
specs :: OpenApi
specs = toOpenApi @IO currentTimeHandler
That's it! The same handler can generate both a Wai application and its OpenAPI documentation. All the effort we spent in expressing APIs using traits and middlewares makes this possible.