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Traits are a fundamental concept in WebGear that enables type-safety in APIs and many other elements make use of it one way or another. So let us explore it first.


Most APIs handlers retrieve some information from the request and process it. For example, consider an endpoint that expects a JSON formatted request body. The body may not be present in the request, in which case we need to perform some error handling. We might have many endpoints that share the same error handling logic. So it is useful if we could build our handlers such that:

  • The request handler only has to deal with the cases where all required information is guaranteed to be present.
  • The error handler only has to deal with the cases where the required information is absent.
  • The type system ensures that we cannot accidentally invoke the wrong handler in both these cases.

Traits are a mechanism to achieve this.


Traits are optional attributes associated with a value. For example, the JSON formatted body mentioned above is a trait associated with the request value. In WebGear, it is represented by the type Body JSON b - the request body is parsed into a value of type b.

A trait might be associated with many types of values. For example, the Body JSON b trait is associated with both Request and Response types because both may contain a body.

Traits have instances of these typeclasses:

-- Indicates that `t' is contained in `a'
class Trait t a where
  -- Type of trait value
  type Attribute t a :: Type

class Trait t a => TraitAbsence t a where
  -- An error indicator when the trait is missing
  type Absence t a :: Type

Instances for Body JSON b are: (1)

  1. This is a simplified example. The actual definitions of these instances is more general.
instance Trait (Body JSON b) Request where
  type Attribute (Body JSON b) Request = b

instance TraitAbsence (Body JSON b) Request where
  type Absence (Body JSON b) Request = Text

Here, Attribute (Body JSON b) Request is b because we get a value of type b when we successfully parse the JSON body. Absence (Body JSON b) Request is Text because that is the type of error we get when the request body is parsed.

Witnessed Values

The next step is to associate traits with values. We get a value of type Request `With` '[Body JSON b] if we associate the Body JSON b type with Request. We can associate more than one trait - e.g. t1, t2, t3, ... - in which case we'll have a value of type Request `With` '[t1, t2, t3] (1) . These are called witnessed values.

  1. See the DataKinds section in Language Extensions chapter.

But what does it mean to have a witnessed value? A witness is a proof that the specified traits exist in the value. If you have a Request `With` '[Body JSON b] value, you have a guarantee that it contains a JSON formatted b value. You can access the trait attribute from a witnessed value thus:

request :: Request `With` '[Body JSON b]
request = ....

let body :: b
    body = pick @(Body JSON b) $ from request

You don't need to handle the case of missing JSON body if you have a witnessed request.

How do we produce a witnessed value? After all, we need to have a check somewhere that the body is actually present. This is done with the probe function.

probe :: Get h t a => t -> h (a `With` ts) (Either (Absence t a) (a `With` (t : ts)))

This function gives us an arrow (1) that takes a witnessed value - a `With` ts - as input and returns another witnessed value - a `With` (t:ts) - on success or an Absence t a value on failure to retrieve the t trait. The resultant witnessed value has a t trait in addition to the traits in the original request.

  1. See arrows tutorial

We can chain many invocations of probe for many traits, accumulating all those traits in the ts type-level list. The final witnessed value will have all those traits. And we can invoke pick @t $ from request for any trait as long as it is present in the ts list.

Getting Traits

A trait has to implement the Get typeclass for the probe function to work:

class (Arrow h, TraitAbsence t a) => Get h t a where
  getTrait :: t -> h (a `With` ts) (Either (Absence t a) (Attribute t a))

The getTrait should attempt to retrieve the trait attribute or return an Absence value to indicate failure.

You can build your own traits by providing instances of Trait, TraitAbsence, and Get.

Setting Traits

Everything we discussed so far was to retrieve traits from requests. A similar implementation exists for setting traits on responses as well. The Set typeclass exists for this purpose:

class (Arrow h, Trait t a) => Set h t a where
  -- | Set a trait attribute @t@ on the value @a@.
  setTrait ::
    -- | The trait to set
    t ->
    -- | A function to generate a witnessed value. This function must be
    -- called by the `setTrait` implementation to generate a witnessed
    -- value.
    (a `With` ts -> a -> Attribute t a -> a `With` (t : ts)) ->
    -- | An arrow that attches a new trait attribute to a value witnessed
    -- with other traits
    h (a `With` ts, Attribute t a) (a `With` (t : ts))

You can use the plant function to set a trait attribute on a witnessed value. This is the counterpart of probe.

plant :: Set h t a => t -> h (a `With` ts, Attribute t a) (a `With` (t : ts))

This function gives you an arrow that takes a witnessed value - a `With` ts and a trait attribute as inputs and returns another witnessed value - a `With` (t:ts) - as the result. This result has an additional trait - t - on it.

Final Points

You have seen how traits help to build witnessed values, which then can be used to access the trait attributes in a type-safe fashion. But they look like just getters and setters, why do we even need them?

The differentiating factor is that the Get and Set typeclasses also depend on the arrow in which they operate. This allows us to have different implementations for the same trait depending on the arrow. For example, there is an implementation of Body JSON for the ServerHandler arrow and a completely different one for the OpenApiHandler arrow. The former one implements a server that retrieves a body from the request, while the latter generates OpenAPI documentation for the body.

In addition to the core traits provided by WebGear, you can have your own traits by implementing the typeclasses mentioned in this chapter. These traits will be as first class as the WebGear traits.